Not long after discovering we were pregnant, I became preoccupied with clearing the clutter. But what an overwhelming task! We try to do a little at a time, but sometimes the clutter just gets moved from one place to another (see our dining room table). That's pretty much what has happened with the room that is now known as the nursery.
We have cleared nearly everything from the nursery but Prescott's clothes and my great-grandmother's dresser and mirror. (Of course, as people gift or we gather various baby items, they accumulate in a corner of the nursery.)
And yesterday, the nursery renovation officially commenced when Prescott began sanding the old paint off of the closet cabinets and doors. Katie, Ava & I returned from The Pump Station & Nurtury to find Prescott atop a step ladder, wearing a mask, sanding away. How exciting! The next decision to make is what color to repaint the closet and built-in!
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