Wednesday, September 1, 2010

27 Weeks...To Boot

On Tuesday, August 24th, I enjoyed a nice evening after work with Prescott, Lady, my mom, Katie & Ava. Pres & I wanted to take Lady to the beach, and we invited the Miller girls along. Though my mom opted to stay home, the rest of us piled into Katie's "Peachmobile" and took Ava to the beach for the first time in her life.

Upon return from the beach, I stumbled on the last two steps in front of our house. Boy, did it hurt! (Don't worry, I, like a good girl, fell on my bum. Our little girl is fine and has actually been quite active since then.) Everyone came running when they heard me screech. Pres helped me to the living room couch, propped my foot up on a cushion and promptly began the ice-on/ice-off treatment. Then he wrapped my ankle and we went to bed.

The next morning, I could not stand, let alone walk. Same thing the next morning. So I called my doctor, and she arranged for me to have an x-ray that afternoon (turns out it's okay to get an x-ray when you're pregnant!). My mom took me, and while we were relieved to learn I had not broken anything, it turns out I have a "right ankle grade II sprain of deltoid and lateral ligaments" (in layman's terms, I tore the ligaments both inside and outside my ankle, which, according to the doctor, is "as bad as or worse than a break"). The doctor gave me this fancy boot to secure the ligaments and instructed me to remain off my ankle and keep it elevated above my heart for the next week. Then, I will have to do physical therapy twice a week for four weeks. Boy, when I do something, I really "do it right"!

So this is a picture of a boot similar to mine - mine is a little shorter, but you get the idea. I've been hobbling around with crutches, and tonight Pres is renting a wheelchair so I can go "walking" with him and Lady (isn't he sweet to look for something like that?!?).

I know it seemed at the beginning of this post that I might be sharing pictures of Ava's first trip to the beach. Don't worry; I'll load and share them very soon.


  1. wow. you're pregnant and now you have to wear a boot and use crutches!?! aww christina! that's tough. I miss you!

  2. WHAT??? I can't even fathom having to get around on crutches while pregnant!!! My heart goes out to you -- Sorry you're going through this. So glad to hear that your little girl is okay!!!
